An Official’s years of service and contribution to the sport is recognized through SSC’s Officials Recognition Pin Program. Pins are distributed for years as an active official as follows:
Gold 20 Years
Silver 15 Years
Bronze 10 Years
Charcoal 5 Years
Clubs can order these pins through SSC directly here.
The following individuals have been awarded SSC Officials Recognition pins in celebration of their years of giving to speed skating in Alberta. If you or someone else you know should be recognized for long standing service, please contact your SSA ODC Club Representative.
Matt Ferguson, Edmonton
Fiona Barnett, Rocky
Gail Krabben, Rokcy
Cherise Eaves. Lethbridge
Melanie Winters. Lethbridge
John Muller. Lethbridge
Staci Muller. Lethbridge
Kristen Dimas, Edmonton
Jeff Davis, Edmonton
Luc Cote, Edmonton
Michelle Chabot, Edmonton
Owen Lewis, Peace Wapiti
Shari Rowney, Peace Wapiti
Jodi Winnicky, Peace Wapiti
George Brademann, Edmonton
Leslie Kohlenberg, Edmonton
Mike Phillips, Edmonton
Catherine Roberts, Edmonton
Richard Roberts, Edmonton
Annie Bertagnolli, Rocky
Cindi Day, Rocky
Stephen Estabrooks, Edmonton
Tim Neild
Gail Krauss
Brian Johnson, Edmonton
Nicole Cooney, Lethbridge
Gil Dimas, Edmonton
Al Benson, Northern Lites
Mike Kinshella, Northern Lites
Neil Alstad, Peace Wapiti
Claire Loberg, Peace Wapiti
Annette MacLennan, Peace Wapiti
Jamie Schoorlemmer, Peace Wapiti
Lorraine Stone, Peace Wapiti
Jules Chabot, Edmonton
Gord McMahon, Peace Wapiti
Heidi McMahon, Peace Wapiti
Kathy Gregg, Edmonton
Mike Phillips, Edmonton
John Bruner, Edmonton
Tom Lipsett, Edmonton
Dave Thomson, Ichiban