AASSA has set up the Branch (provincial) information on IceReg, SSC's new Interpodia membership management system. SSC, AASSA and Alberta Clubs will be using IceReg as official membership records in 2020-2021. Some clubs may choose to continue to use also other registration systems, but these clubs will need to input / upload all official club membership data to IceReg as this is the official record of membership to an accredited Club through affiliation with the Alberta Branch and SSC. IceReg has many value-added features that we will be exploring this season.
Clubs have been provided with the most recent IceReg (Interpodia) information for Alberta Clubs through email (August 17 IceReg Club Onboarding Guide).
We will update information as soon as possible. Contact info@aassa.ca or membership@aassa.ca as needed. Thank you!
Banff/Canmore Speed Skating Club: communication@banffcanmorespeedskating.ca
Calgary Grizzlies Speed Skating Club: andrea@yycspeed.ca
Calgary Speed Skating Association: registrar@calgaryspeedskating.ca
Edmonton Speed Skating Association: registrar@edmontonspeedskating.ca
Ichi-ban Speed Skating Club: wkylo2006@yahoo.ca
Lethbridge Speed Skating Association: Peter Kremenik kremenik@shaw.ca
Lloydminster Border Blades Speed Skating Club: coleen.ribey@gmail.com
Marathon Skating International: Brian or William brianjohnston660@gmail.com, cwlangen@telus.net
Medicine Hat Kinsmen Speed Skating Club: Benita Sauer benita.Sauer@mnp.ca
Peace River Northern Lites Speed Skating Club: nlssc4pr@gmail.com
Peace Wapiti Speed Skating Club (Grande Prairie): info.pwssc@gmail.com
Red Deer Central Lions Speed Skating Club: alison.jeppesen@gmail.com
Rocky Mountain House Speed Skating Club: rockymountainhousespeedskating@gmail.com