Level 2 Speed Skating Referee Clinic

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Speed Skate Alberta is excited to announce a Level 2 Speed Skating Referee Clinic, perfect for those looking to advance their officiating skills and gain a deeper understanding of speed skating rules and regulations.

Date: Friday September 27 th and Saturday September 28th

Time: TBC

Location: Calgary Olympic Oval

Referee Instructors: Jacky Shoebridge, ISU Int W ST, Rhona Hathaway, ISU LT

Cost: $50 + GST per registrant

Registration Deadline: September 20 th at 5 pm

1. Clinic Overview:

This clinic is designed for referees who have experience officiating speed skating

events and are ready to take their skills to the next level. Participants will gain in-

depth knowledge of:

 Understanding of the role of a referee – the qualities, characteristics, and skills needed 

 Understanding the different levels of competition and knowing what is needed for  each 

 How to prepare for a competition – from 3 months out, to post-competition wrap-up

 Understanding how to interpret basic LT and ST rules and regulations – and where to find them all

 Interpersonal communication & teamwork – knowing your team and putting their skills to work effectively

 The importance of having mentors – and where to find them 

 Helpful resources, activities, and things we’ve learned along the way

2. Who Should Attend:

 Existing Level 1 referees looking to upgrade their certification

 Officials with experience in other skating sports interested in speed skating

 Coaches and former athletes with a deep interest in officiating

3. Registration:

To register, please complete the registration form and submit it by September 20th. For more information or questions, contact officials@aassa.ca.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your officiating skills and contribute to the

sport of speed skating!